

13. "Determinants of Recent CRE Delinquency: Implications for the Banking Sector" By David Glancy, and Robert Kurtzman
Federal Reserve "Day Ahead" Conference on Financial Markets and Institutions (scheduled)


12. "Selling Private Equity Fees" By Minmo Gahng, and Blake Jackson
FIFI 2024 (scheduled)

11. "All Clear for Takeoff: Evidence from Airports on the Effects of Infrastructure Privatization" By Sabrina Howell, Yeejin Jang, Hyeik Kim, and Michael Weisbach
WFA 2024 (scheduled)

10. "Did Pandemic Relief Fraud Inflate House Prices?" By John M. Griffin, Samuel Kruger, Prateek Mahajan
SFS Cavalcade 2024 (scheduled)

9. "Keeping Up with the Blackstones: Institutional Investors and Gentrification" By Neroli Austin
Columbia PE Conference 2024 [Slides]

8. "Impact of Institutional Owners on Housing Markets" By Caitlin Gorback, Franklin Qian, and Zipei Zhu
ITAM Finance Conference 2024 [Slides]


7. "Tenant Satisfaction and Commercial Building Performance" By Minyi Hu, Nils Kok, and Juan Palacios [Slides]


6. "Lease Expirations and CRE Property Performance" By David Glancy and J. Christina Wang [Slides]
Federal Reserve Stress Testing Research Conference 2023 (Boston)

5. "Housing Market Congestion: The Effects of New For-Sale Supply on Home Prices and Sale Hazards" By Elliot Anenberg and Daniel Ringo [Slides]
Urban Economics Association (UEA) North America 2023

4. "ESG in private equity: ESG portfolio footprints, operational levers and financial returns" By Noah Bani-Harouni, Ulrich Hommel, and Falko Paetzold [Slides]
Oxford Sustainable Private Markets 2023

3. "Are Unfunded Capital Commitments a Side Show? Evidence from University Endowments" By Reiner Braun, Mark Jansen, Ludovic Phalippou [Not released per authors' request]
34th Mitsui Finance Symposium: VC and PE 2023


2. "The Revolving Door and Insurance Solvency Regulation" By Ana-Maria Tenekedjieva [Slides]
Southern Finance Association 2021